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| Siren 2007 Standard Administration Guide | |
| Components Siren 2007 is designed to work across a network or on a standalone PC. It consists of several separate applications and services that must be present for the system to work. A complete listing of Siren 2007 components is as follows: - Database
Siren 2007 Standard uses a Jet database which is supported natively by recent versions of Windows, or updatable in earlier versions. There must be 1 database in any system.
- Monitor Service
The monitor service connects directly to the database to update the progress of alarms, messages and other events. There must be 1 monitor service in any system.
- Communicator Service
The communicator service connects to the server to gather details of messages waiting to be sent. Messages are sent using sound cards, modems and other hardware. There must be 1 or more communicator services in any system.
- Client
The client provides a user interface for setting up and monitoring Siren 2007. Most users will be unaware of any components of Siren 2007 other than the client. There must be 1 or more client applications in any system.